Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
Most of our products are free shipped to the US, Canada, Japan and Europe so no additional costs. Additional cost might apply to some areas but you will know if your area needs and extra charge by placing the items in the cart first and see the billing.
Pay Pal and Stripe are accepted. We highly recommend stripe due to flexibility.
Most of our clients receive their orders within two weeks, but there are cases where it takes longer like 3 weeks depending on factors such as location and custom clearence.
Shopping is secure online. We literally don’t handle your data, the portals you use like paypal and stripe have secure systems to protect bothe customers and sellers.
After ordering we get your order to our suppliers who then act on your order and dispatch it directly to you. We keep track of your order in the process and you get regular mails regarding your order in transit.
Once you place an order you get an email confirming your order which acts as an invoice. So please be sure to give us your correct e mail
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