October the 10th month of the year is a bit unique in that it’s strongly associated to Halloween. It’s therefore common to see Halloween gifts throughout October overwhelming the true nature of what constitutes October.
The way to look at October, like any other month is to first think of the season. You can’t go wrong with seasonal gifts that befits the region the recipient is. For Northern hemisphere region, autumn items would be good but if the recipient is in the southern hemisphere then one has to do the math. Plus there are tropical regions without the four seasons. It would be thoughtless to send an autumn gift in any month of the year to someone in Mumbai.
The second way is to look at October from the zodiac perspective. All zodiac signs are associated to some kind of stones (birthstones) and metals. However, zodiac related gifts work only with birthdays and birth months of the recipients. Oh wait a minute- that’s not totally true.
Stones and jewelry no matter what zodiac connection they might have, have stood the test of time. For instance do you know what gemstone or metal is associated to October?
There are 12 months of the year and some of these months have more than one stone associated to them – too many stones to keep track of.
The fact is most of us are clueless when it comes to stones or metals associated to months of the year. It is common to one’s own birthstones but care less about others.
So when most of us look at stones or metals, we tend to look at them from their beauty and appealing point of view first rather than their zodiac association.
Enough confusion, let’s get to the point – with jewelry and gemstones goods one can hardly go wrong. The curation of such items speaks louder than the material but the value is always hooked to the material at hand.
Although Opal and Tourmaline stones are associated to October, the value of Opal or tourmaline earrings might not be determined by the month they are sold in but the beauty they exude. Of course there is an argument that there is an influence of supply and demand that set in in particular months but that’s another issue that merits a totally different discussion.
Getting down to business, here at Giftymz we recommend 6 gifts solutions to go for in October.
- Opal Jewelry Sets.
Opal Jewelry sets are great stuff for ladies in October given that Opal like Tourmaline is October’s gemstone. Depending on the metal attached to the stones, the design and the quality of the stone they can be very pricey.
Opal History Lesson:
GIA Edu(2020 October 1). Opal Birthstone Meaning and History. Retrieved from https://www.gia.edu/birthstones/october-birthstones
The good news is depending on the stone carat, you don’t need to break the bank. There are great opal jewelry sets with 925 silver that are wallet friendly if one has time to look around.
Why look further, you can start your search from here or check the slide below for ideas.
. Tourmaline Jewelry
Tourmaline is an amazing stone with a dazzling array of colors. Some pieces appear like ruby or emerald.
Tourmaline History Lesson:
Tourmaline is referred to as the newer October birthstone. The name is said to have come from Sinhalese – Toramali which means stones with mixed colors. Tourmaline has a dazzling array of colors. Due to this phenomena ancient mystics believed this stone could inspire artistic expression. It is said to have a color palette for every mood.
GIA Edu(2020 October 1). Opal Birthstone Meaning and History. Retrieved from https://www.gia.edu/birthstones/october-birthstones
If you ever thought ruby and emeralds are too high end pricewise, then the good news is tourmaline was historically easily confused for ruby and emerald until the 1800s.
Here at Giftymz we recommend emerald or ruby like tourmaline jewelry sets.
3. Customized Stainless Steel Whisky Rocks (For Our men) Click to Tweet
For the whiskey men, you know how the ice blocks dilute that concoction and mess up all the buzz?
The solution this October is the reusable stainless steel whisky rocks, but that’s not all. How about customized stainless steel whisky rocks with your own logo or name?
For way less than $40 your can have your personalized rocks to brag about with.
4. Drive safe hands free magnetic phone holder.(Click to Tweet)
This is a good gift for anyone behind the wheel.
You know how troublesome the regular phone holders can be when your keitai (smartphone) get jammed as you try to get it out or in. Or you get pinched by the holder in the process of mounting your phone.
Put all those bad days behind with the magnetic phone holder. A gift to roll out the 2020.
Let’s keep one more driver safer on the road out there!
5. Long Make up Brushes(Click to Tweet)
Many men can’t understand the convenience and precision of long make up brushes. So when it comes to gifting the ladies, this one never cross their minds. It’s not only jewelry that peps up a girls life guys!
And for girls and ladies, you know how costly long brushes can be. Do you want to drop a $40 for brushes after buying your make up?
To many brushes are after thought but for those who know what long brushes can as far as spreading and tweaking that foundation they are willing to spend a fortune on long brushes.
This October Giftymz got you covered.
If you are a brush enthusiast then rest assured you will get long brushes at a throw away price that you never imagined.
For those on the fence as to weather to drop in that $40 to see how it works, then October is your month. Try the long brushes we hand picked for you for less than $20. check them out below!
6. Autumn Hoodies
I was trying to keep away from the hoodies/T-shirts business, but here I am with the slogan “No Hoodies No Autumn”.
As you know the hoodies/ T-shirt market is flooded out there but in my gifts search I just stumbled onto a hoodie that I can’t let go. Before I share my find with you, I suggest you keep looking out for hot hoodies out there. Hoodies are great autumn gifts if you get the right one.
We would as always love you to start your search from Giftymz since we have put the hours zeroing down to where you can start.
Happy Shopping and let us know how your take on our six recommendations in the comments.
We would also like to hear of your wish list.