Monthly Archives: October 2020

What to celebrate on the 31st of October 2020.

What to celebrate on the 31st of October 2020 is not a question but rather a statement for one main reason that most of our readers would obviously think of Halloween as the holy grail answer to that. Great, we are all right about the Halloween, but today I would like to take you deeper. […]

10 Halloween Gifts to look out for on Amazon

[bctt tweet=”Get Ready For Halloween with these goodies!”] 1. Halloween Party Favors Set. This is a great set for those who always receive those tiny guests with wands who come knocking at your door piping out “Trick or Treat”. Also great for treating family and kids around you. I will definitely get this! But that’s […]

70 Cool Gift deals you don’t want to miss!

If there is any shopping platform we can’t afford to ignore as I write this, is no other than Amazon. I know that’s a bummer to Amazon critics but lets just face it! pic by Nik According to RepricerExpress, Amazon alone has an inventory of about 12 million categories across all its categories and services, but if […]

Six October Gift solutions to go for!

October the 10th month of the year is a bit unique in that it’s strongly associated to Halloween. It’s therefore common to see Halloween gifts throughout October overwhelming the true nature of what constitutes October. The way to look at October, like any other month is to first think of the season. You can’t go […]

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